September 25 2022
Series: Exodus
Speaker: Ryan Visconti
Bad news: we are all sinners and our sin against God merits death, there’s no way around that. The good news: God has provided a substitute through Jesus Christ. There’s…
September 19 2022
Series: Exodus
Speaker: Ryan Visconti
Egyptians had many gods, but we know there is only one true God, Yahweh. In Exodus, we see Yahweh demonstrate His power over these Egyptian false gods through a series…
September 12 2022
Series: Exodus
Speaker: Ryan Visconti
Life always gets harder before it gets better. But your struggles don’t have to sink you. Your critics don’t have to crush you. The disappointments don’t have to destroy you.…
September 5 2022
Series: Exodus
Speaker: Ryan Visconti
Do you struggle more with insecurity or pride? As much as we want to do the right thing with humility and confidence, it can be hard! This is why Godly…
August 21 2022
Series: Exodus
Speaker: Ryan Visconti
In Exodus, God uses signs to lead Moses. While God can use signs to lead us, we shouldn’t focus on searching for and waiting for a sign. Focus and remember…
August 14 2022
Series: Exodus
Speaker: Ryan Visconti
Have you ever questioned God’s calling on your life? Maybe it’s because you have a past, or you’re insecure, or you don’t know your worth; but God does. God doesn’t…
August 7 2022
Series: Exodus
Speaker: Ryan Visconti
What’s the difference between murder and killing? There’s a lot of confusion about this due to poor translations. The Bible says “Thou shall not murder,” but it doesn’t forbid killing…
July 31 2022
Series: Exodus
Speaker: Ryan Visconti
Why does God allow some people to struggle and others seem to have success handed to them? We don’t know why… but we do know that favor isn’t fair –…
July 24 2022
Series: Exodus
Speaker: Aaron Burke
Are you waiting on God for a miracle? For a job, a marriage, healing, maybe a child? When we’re in a season of waiting it can be hard to trust…